Monday, October 14, 2013


Today I read through Leah and Kylee's blogs.

I am first going to discuss Leah's. I loved her post titled "tame me." I really loved her reflection on Chapter 5 from the book. One of the things she discussed was an example in the book on how a student felt that a certain teacher taught algebra and not her. I had never thought how teacher's could be so focused on their subject matter that they completely forget what is truly important. Our students need to be our number one priority. Leah worried about this, but I know she will be a fabulous teacher and has nothing to worry about!

Kylee's blogpost that I enjoyed reading the most was her post on the Hallmarks. She went through each Hallmark that was presented in class and discussed what each of us did. I loved this because I still need to take the quiz so I think it will serve as a great reminder of all the presentations. I also loved how she went through the story of the fox tamer. This is such a great metaphor from the book!

I loved going through the different blog posts of my classmates. I was able to see the things that I could improve on in my own blog and I got some great ideas.


  1. Thanks Brooke! I like your blog a lot!

  2. I'm glad you took a look at a couple of other blogs. You're doing great with your own blog, too! 3 pts.
