Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How can you do it all?

One of the most overwhelming things about becoming a teacher is wondering how you are going to do it all. How am I going to meet the needs of each and every one of my students? It seems near impossible and it seems that we are going to have to really know each of our students really well. One of my past teachers mentioned how she tried to do this. She thought it was helpful to carry around post-it notes with her throughout the class. Anytime she noticed something about a student, their interests, their struggles, etc. she wrote it down on the post-in with their name on it. At the end of the day she got out this big binder with those clear protectors and each student's name with many other post-its was on it. This is where she kept all her notes about each student. Whenever she had parent/teacher conference she would pull out the binder and she would have many things to talk with parents. I never thought much about this idea until last week's class. It seems to me like a genius idea.

I really want to be an awesome teacher and want each of my student's to feel like they are my favorite student. I had many teachers that made me feel that way and I wonder now how many other students thought that they were their favorite.

1 comment:

  1. The post-it note teacher IS a genius idea... the post-it note teacher can be the responsive teacher every student will need. DO it. (Start investing in post-it notes now!). 3 pts.
