Friday, September 13, 2013

PS 22 Chorus

In differentiation this week, we were shown the PS 22 Chorus.
This is their story...

This story was very touching to me. I absolutely loved it! I love the part where the principal of the school says that no one in the chorus has had to go to summer school. They are all excelling in school. It is amazing to me how caring so deeply for your students can go a long way. Mr. B had no idea that doing what he did would end up like this, he just cared for each of his students and loved his job. 

To me, Mr. B differentiates naturally. He can see what each of his students' needs are and he makes sure to meet those needs. I hope to one day be the kind of teacher that touches the lives of my students. I know that I had teachers like this and am so grateful for them. 

1 comment:

  1. Since you recognize when teachers touch lives, you will be highly capable to doing the same! (3 pts.)
